Sunday, April 10, 2016

18 Pounds Down!!!

I wish I had lost 25 by now. I wish I had lost more than 3-inches. But I'm going to celebrate the loss I have had and work hard this coming up week to get off more weight.

18 pounds really isn't so bad...ESPECIALLY looking at it in images like this:
I've been so busy lately. Working on new choreography, Last 9-Wks of the school year, Trying to prep food to have it ready, & State Testing. Hopefully when this school year is over, I'll have some time to go take some extra Zumba classes & really do better for me. Need more ME time.
However, I know I've been asked about doing a job for 5 weeks this summer. I'm thinking about it b/c I would like the extra money, but I have to see what it's going to entail.

Yesterday was one of my nephews' birthday. He turned 3. I love those boys so much. It was a wonderful day for a birthday party and he had the best time. Plus it's one of the few times we get together as a family to hangout & enjoy each others company. Grandma Hughes is such a sweet lady. Love sitting and talking to her.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Fun Day Friday!

I'm REALLY Excited about tomorrow's Official Weigh In!!! I know what I weighed this morning but since I know weight fluctuates, so I'm ready and hopeful for tomorrow. LOL!
I love the Biggest Loser Boot Camp program b/c it shows you how much you've lost in a really interesting way => Fat Blobs. Hahahahaha!!! It reminds me of the Adipose in Dr. Who. But they're not as cute as the Adipose. Tomorrow after my weigh in I'll have to post a picture of my Fat Blobs that have run away from me. LMBO!
  BYE BYE!!!!

Today's Menu:
Breakfast: Egg White Omelet, 2 pc. Toast, 1 pc. Fruit, Coffee
Lunch: Roast Beef Sandwich, Fruit Cup
Snacks: 1/4c. Trail Mix, 1c. Salad w/ Cheese & Fat-Free Dressing, 8oz. container Vanilla Yogurt
Dinner: Sweet Chili Chicken Burger, 5oz. Wine

Felt a little crafty today. Haven't had a chance to do ANYTHING with cutting paper since my Christmas gift boxes. So I took a few hours today and made Easter Trains for my nephews. Now I have adhesive and ink all over my fingers. And I'm really happy about that. :) Can't wait to be able to do more this summer. In fact I think this summer I'll be working on more paper flowers.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Everyday everyone makes choices. Some of those choices are good and some of those choices are bad.
Today I went to eat lunch with an old friend. I had to choose what to eat and how much of it to eat. I had to choose not to eat cake or pie. It was my choice to not eat rice with dinner but instead have rice with lunch. My lunch was good and I had fun hanging out with Ros.

Dinner was good to. I also like the fact there weren't a lot of dishes to clean up afterward.
While I was cooking this tonight, I laughed b/c the sauce called for oyster sauce and ginger. AND of course these are things that I keep in my refrigerator. I love Asian type foods so I have a lot of Asian flavors as staples in my kitchen.

Steamer Pot

I broke down yesterday and bought a double steamer/pasta pot. I found one at Wal-Mart for $19.46.
I used it for a recipe last night called Asian Tofu & Veggies. It was really good. It made 2 servings so I still have some left over. I know there is a day coming up when I'm supposed to have pork, and I may have the other half of this recipe instead.

   Today's Menu:
Breakfast: 1c. Raisin Bran with 1c. Nonfat milk, & a container of Vanilla Yogurt, with Coffee.
Lunch: Cheese & Avocado Toastie (Sandwich), 1 pc. of Fruit, & 10 Almonds.
Snacks: 1c. Berries, 1pc Fruit, Veggie sticks w/ Cottage Cheese, Rice Cake with 2t. Cream Cheese & 2t. Sweet Chili Sauce.
Dinner: Ginger Steamed Fish, 3c. Veggies, 1/2c. Brown Rice, & 1c. Milk. (I think it's interesting that the fish and veggies get cooked in a foil pack in the oven.)

Now for the challenge of the day => It seems an old coworker wants to get together for a late lunch. She wants to go to the St. James and have lunch. So I've got to pick something healthy IF we go. The weather may keep us from going.

I have OFFICIALLY lost 9.3lbs. I can't wait until my weigh in Saturday b/c I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will then be a bit over 10lbs. YAY!!! Yes I'm already claiming it!
I've got to pick a non-food reward for 25lbs lost and then I want another one for the day I hit ONE-der Land. LOL! Any ideas??? Any suggestions???

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


   So ... I've been on the Biggest Loser Boot Camp eating program for a few weeks. I did 2 weeks on it and then right after Daylight Savings time change I took a week off. Even though I took a week off I did my best to be aware of what I was eating (even when I was eating the wrong thing), I still have lost 9 1/2 lbs in total.
   I am loving the food plan, the meals are extremely flavorful.
Breakfast = toast with low sugar jelly, 1/2 c. cottage cheese, and a can of peaches.
Snacks should be: 1 pc of fruit, 10 almonds, milk w/ choc flavor, and a latte.
Lunch = Tuna wrap
Dinner = Grilled Chicken and steamed Veggies

I don't know if I'll get in the grilled chicken with the veggies b/c I may go out to eat with a friend. BUT I'm going to try to stick to it as much as possible. If I didn't have to go do this faculty meeting professional development, I wouldn't be meeting up with my friend and then she wouldn't want to go have dinner at a buffet place that will tempt me to over eat. Maybe I can talk her into going somewhere that's not a buffet.